Dragon Times - A math adventure card game for kids
Dragon Times is an educational fantasy card game that aims to motivate children to practice and memorize the multiplication tables in a fun and exciting way.
Finding a math based game that had instant student buy in and was accessible to all levels and abilities in my class was unbelievable. It was fantastic to watch students joyfully exclaim about finding factors and want to take multiplication work home to practice so they can collect even more dragons next time.
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“Not only does this game encourage multiplication fluency in an effortless way, it gives students a chance to build off of each other's knowledge and gain confidence in math. I would strongly recommend it for any classroom!
Aja Geddes, Teacher
Capitol Hill Elementary, MACC GRADE 4/5
Play is a powerful learning tool. Engaging students in activities they enjoy makes learning fun. Dragon Times includes a delightful set of 42 dragon / number cards created with common attributes to link sets of numbers (e.g. two headed dragons are multiples of 10, square number dragons breathe fire).
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These cards can be used beyond learning number facts, for students to observe and discover characteristics shared by ‘number families’. The dragon designs are so engaging that one student said, “Let’s not do anything with the numbers until we’ve had time to examine and get to know these fantastic dragons!”
Barbara Johnson
MindStein Challenge Center Coquitlam, BC
My kids have always had trouble remembering multiplication tables. They love using Dragon Times to practice. I love that they pick up patterns from the tables and pictures as they memorize the facts. The art is beautiful and the game is fun. I never have to work to convince them to play!
Vicky Loh
Homeschooling mom
Practicing Times Tables becomes a magical adventure as children save the Amazing Dragons of Times using the Dragon Wizard’s spells. Children learn about factors, multiples, and division while saving and taming Dragons and restoring peace in a magical land. We have successfully play-tested the game in a grade 4/5 class.
The game started as a way of encouraging my seven-year-old boy to practice the multiplication tables and it became a fun project for the whole family. I am a primary school teacher and I designed the game with the help of my boy's ages 5, 8 and 10 (also the actors in the video). Read the story on how we worked on this project.
Depending on the child's level, the game can be simplified for the training wizards and become challenging and competitive for the masters. The game is made for children ages 6 and up. It 's for 2 or more players or teams/pairs. It can be played in many different ways.